Sunday, July 24, 2011

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In a neighborhood where structures and pavement occupy nearly every available inch of earth surface . . . welcome to the Josephine Campagna CIRCLE at the Fredrick J. Carey SQUARE at Paris St; enclosed by a lovely All American Freedom Fence.

This stone memorializes the very alleged source of one of the oldest of America's 400 years of wars.

Here's a whole park in Boston's Roslindale neighborhood devoted to Western Civilization's most ancient and "Greatest" war maker.

 And right across the street from Alexander the Great park is this motto bearing plaque.  That's funny.   I have a motto on this subject too:   "The world is divided into two groups -- winners and losers.  And the losers are those who divide the world into two groups -- winners and losers"

". . . The Glory of God Almighty . . . Unselfish Patriotism . . . American Ideals of Liberty and the Universal Brotherhood of Man."

The Spanish American War was fought . . . for the Glory of . . . Unselfish . . . and the Brotherhood . . .

To The Glory of Soldiers . . . The Social Malady of Patriotism . . . The Brotherhood of Young Men Duped into Taking Part in Desperate and Inhumane Events (Veterans) 

Gearing Up For The Next One -- 1935

This Revolutionary War monument was erected while the future dead of the Civil War were babies.

A flag is to Art what a uniform is to Fashion -- only more so.  Have you notice that America now has two National Flags.  Introducing -- THE POW-LY ROGER.

To The Glory of the Father . . .  of American Cavalry

The Civil War

The Civil War

" . . . all men . . . are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights . . . "   But ever we will be encouraged to believe that we owe it all to WAR.

The Armaments Industry . . . The Arms Dealers . . . The War Makers . . . The Bronze Founders . . . The Stone Carvers . . . The Florists . . . The Flag Fabricators . . . Illiterate, Ragged Men in Impenetrable Jungles with Automatic Rifles . . . don't ever suggest that the Holiness of American War could be . . . a SPECIAL INTEREST.
Veterans' Park

Veterans' Park

Veterans' Park

Veterans' Memorial Park
The Future Awaits
Meet the Flagstyles
Storefront Evangelism
Flag and a Ball Game . . . Five Cents
Sitting upon and astride a rare Salt Marsh Habitat and surrounded by another of those lovely All American Freedom Fences.
The Flag of Private Property -- Define and Plunder
Old Glory Mountain Majesties
Coming . . . 
Coming to a corner . . .

Coming to a Corner Near You

Let Us Not Forget the Police

Liberty Offering the Chains of Eternal War to the Americans

The inscription reads: "Pray For World Peace [but?] Remember Our Dead"
Hey! That's the guy who says the number one cause of War is overgrown CRY BABIES.
Here's where I live
The stone on the right waits to add the names of you and your loved ones.

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